Ruminations on the Instant Reach of Internet Hoaxes

Trolling, according to urban-dictionary, means ‘being a prick on the internet because you can’. Those who are engaged in trolling just like to stir up individual or online crowd. Nowadays, trolling activities have evolved from just passing off sarcastic, hurting remarks. Trolling’s main objective is to make a parody out of our ‘believe-everything-that's-shared-on-socialmedia’ culture. Trolls... Continue Reading →

The Fake Quotes Phenomenon

The myriad ways internet has influenced commerce or enhanced ways for common people to access information could be labeled revolutionary. But, like any inanimate thing, this greatest invention’s use is based upon the individuals using it. Persons with nefarious motives could use it to wreak havoc upon others. When considering the list of evil misdeeds... Continue Reading →

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