Pakistan – Rich in History and Bad in Reality


Pakistan was the land where ‘Alexander, the Great’ of West failed to achieve his success. Pakistan is the neighbor of world’s largest emerging economy and democracy with very large scale scams.

Pakistan which posses rich history has become a state of failure, long back because of its power centers. The Nation of great Dravidian culture failed to project its greatness in Tourism. The great Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are in Pakistan. These two sites are the great treasures, which showcases the Non-Aryan cultural impact of the South Asia. The age of these two sites dates back more than 5000 years.

Pakistan because of its failure in judicial, military and political system has put most research on its soil muted. The country also didn’t posses any tagline for its tourism industry. If you take, India, it proudly showcases the tagline of Tourism ‘Incredible !ndia’. But Pakistan has blank line for its tourism industry.

Failure of Pakistan’s political system leads to the failure of everything in Pakistan. Having a very unstable and messy neighbor is dangerous for the nation like India. It is required to have a strong Pakistan for the welfare of the peace in the region. There will be no surprise if the nuclear button of Pakistan goes to the hands of militancy of the green nation.


The Glorious Pakistan of the past was not Pakistan, it was India indeed. It would be better for Pakistanis to build a envisioned Pakistan. World is watching Pakistan with dark humor. Taking the pride on riding the elephants to war and the Soma drink served in mythical period shouldn’t be the highly regarded things.

Tagline of Pakistan can be Alexander’s Asian destination. Not sure Pakistan Tourism industry has any idea of improving tourism – though lonely planet calls it as ‘Next Big Thing’. Pakistan has to learn from Muslim nations like Malaysia (Truly Asia) and Indonesia (Wonderful Indonesia).

Enjoy Tourism – Until it last with no blast. Cheers J

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