On Blogging and Blogs


I feel happy to be back. This website has always been a part of a personality enriching me every time.  If not for this site, I wouldn’t have searched, explored and discovered many things. Before writing anything, again, on a concerned topic or ponder over a thought, I’d like to write what this process of writing in the website, now a blog, has done to me and made me what I am.

When I got introduced to do the world of blogging, I felt very refreshed. For those who have a thirst for sharing his/ her views through writing, blogging has been a blessing. Primarily, I liked blogs for two reasons. More importantly blogging sets you free. It liberates. The blogger become his/her own editor. Thoughts and views can be expressed raw, without the intervention of other person in the name of the editor. Needless to say, second reason. Blogging is free.

Back in 2013, I still remember Creofire’s toddler days, when I used to run from pole to post, to write a new post. I shared the common struggles every beginner would likely encounter. Choosing the topic itself has been a great challenge, during the initial days.


On Blogging and Blogs


Besides writing a blog post the process of reading a blog is a wonderful experience by itself. Needless to say the current mainstream media is highly politicized, biased and strictly abide to corporate ethics. Before the emergence of blogs, the mainstream media, both print and digital, has been the only source through which one could know the world. Lot of things happens around the world every day. If I say not everything attracts media attention, I don’t tell it full. But it is up to them, to choose, what should become a news, and hence what the world should know. They were holding the gate passes. And not everything that actually happened makes into the hourly News Bulletin we hear. It’s all about the politics of choice. Choosing what to be shown and blown up as breaking news is as important as trivialising or even fading out completely, some events from the public eye.

The emergence of Blogosphere has become a searchlight shedding lights on the dark trials, those skipped by the mainstream media. Blogs have become the alternate source of information, even more reliable than those broadcasted from the Newsrooms of corporate media. The Malala story could be quoted is a popular example here.

Blogs along with the most recent Vlogs can play a very crucial role in informing, readers and viewers, the truth. They could always bring up the other side of every news story that pop up as headlines. Blogs / Vlogs could become the whistleblowers on certain issues, and bring about what main stream media don’t want the viewers to read or see.

It certainly claims more time and energy to invest research before writing.  And mostly we don’t get anything back as monetary benefits. But to those who still believe in the social responsibility of every individual would certainly take it up to the best of their sincerity.


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