BJP Loves Sri Lanka

NaMo NaMo Rajapaksaji: Sushma meeting Rajapaksa
NaMo NaMo Rajapaksaji: Sushma meeting Rajapaksa

There is a very romantic relationship that exists between the island nation, Sri Lanka and BJP of India. BJP loves Rajapakses like their life. Buddha was seen in the face of Sri Lankan president by Mr. Sivaraj Singh Chauhan , the BJP chief minister of Sri Lanka.

I think, the only man in the BJP alliance in the past who opposed Sri Lanka at one stage was Mr. Bal Thackrey. Thackrey was against all immigrants. He venomously attacked Tamil immigrants of Maharashtra via his party mouth piece. But I remember,  at one point of time, Thackrey did render the statement that we need to support Sri Lankan Tamils – he even went beyond and said we need to support LTTE because most of them are Hindus. The Theory of Thackrey is not liked by any BJP leader. To give a clear image for Rajapakse – they invite him to India even when there was no requirement.

I am happy: Rajapaksa

Mr. Venkiah Naidu, denied creation or support for eelam even after alliance with MDMK, which project itself as pro-tamil eelam party. Mr. Venkiah Naidu, once party president of BJP was not worried of vote factor in Tamil Nadu. But the Tamil Media and Pro-Tamil parties instead of opposing his views with full vigor muted their mikes.

Mr. Narendra Modi, at any point of time never uttered any word against Rajapakse even while speaking about attacks on fisher men of Tamil Nadu. BJP has a lakshman Rekha in this issue alone. They are not bothered to attack Pakistan but very much bother to render a single word against their lovable neighboring president Mr. Rajapakse.

Mr. Vaiko is believed to, among his supporters, have losing his credibility for the Sri Lankan cause by joining Pro-SriLankan BJP.

Ms. Sushma Swaraj met President Mahinda Rajapakse in person when she led a team of Indian MPs. This was against the conventions a team lead has to follow at that point of time.She was not worried about it because BJP loves the president.

The Latest to join in the list is to invite Mr. Rajapakse for Swearing in Ceremony of Prime minister elect Narendra modi. Supporters of Modi may point the invite was given to all SAARC leaders. If Congress did render an invite to Pakistan – BJP can ask how congress can invite a country which humiliated India by beheading Indian soldier. Seems the scales are different. For SriLanka, for sure they have only one scale – the scale of at most love. Tamils has the right to oppose Mr.Rajapakse in a democratic way, but they also has to understand the history of BJP, which clearly says that hey are in romance with Sri Lanka.

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