Filling all the Baskets





Little Durga is a cute 6 year old girl. She is a naïve and soft spoken, tiny tot who doesn’t wish to hurt anyone but to please everyone, instead. She wouldn’t mind going out of her way to please someone. This has become habitual, in fact, its origin not known even to her. Though the idea of not hurting anyone consciously is appreciable, she did find it difficult to manage to please everyone at times. This has indeed brought her troubles and internal conflicts. Yet, she went on with her habit.

All her classmates and teachers loved her in school and no wonder she was the darling doll in her neighbourhood. She made everyone happy in one way or the other. That day was Swetha, her close friend’s birthday. Swetha had thrown a party in her home that evening and had informed about it to all her close friends a week in advance, including Durga .

Durga had informed her mom seeking permission to attend the party. Mom had consented to accompany her to the party. Little Durga was so happy and began to dream about the party. She was kind of soul who loved to be with everyone. She had prepared a special gift for her beloved friend all by herself, which she was sure to make Sewtha very happy.

The awaited day finally came. Durga was earlier from school that day and began to get ready for the function. She was in serious dilemma, unable to decide which attire to choose. She consulted her brother, as usual. He had suggested one according to his taste. She wore it to make him happy, though she wasn’t totally satisfied about the choice.


Spark Quote


Her mom kept herself busy with daily chores. She had promised Durga that she’ll be ready on time. The plan was to leave by 6 to attend the party at 6.30. as Swetha’s home was nearby. Dad was by the office then. The moment he saw his kid in her dress, frowned his brows and quipped, “Darling! Do you think this dress deserves to be a party wear?” Now Durga was confused a little, for she was already wearing it half heartedly. She ran back to her room with her father’s suggestion and was back with the changed dress after 15 minutes. Her dad appreciated her dress with a pat on her back. She was happy to have made her papa happy.

She waited for her mom calling for her from the living room. Mom shouted back from the bed room, “Just two minutes dear. Coming” When she came out with a nice sari, she was reminded of her daughter having a same coloured frock. She appealed Durga to change to it so that their costumes will be a perfect match. By now the poor little girl was bit tired of changing the costumes one after the other. But then, her nature made her to change that dress too, to satisfy her mom.

It was well past 6.45 in the evening, while they started. By the time they reached Swetha’s home there wasn’t a sign of any partying. They entered the house, only to see bits of papers on the floor littered around from the shot paper crackers during the cake cutting ceremony. They realized the party was over already, in no time, and the whole gang had gone out for shopping leaving Swetha’s old granny back home.




Durga stood there in the hall with tear clogged eyes. All he consolation of her mom failed to soothe the little princess. ‘Had I chosen the dress based on my preference, I wouldn’t have missed the party’.

This might seem like a story for kids. Yes, in fact it is. But it underlines the reality that no one in the world can satisfy everyone around them. It is absolutely impractical to be in the good books of everyone. Attempting to satisfy others may claim our peace of mind.


Every day you should make two people happier. See to it that one of the two is you. Filling everyone’s basket is a good thing to do. But that shouldn’t be done at the cost of emptying your own.


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