
It all starts with an unusual nausea. After a while, She suffers vomiting along with morning sickness. She, he and the family celebrates the confirmation of pregnancy 🙂

Morning sickness and vomiting are then followed by body ache and giddiness. Here is where She experiences heavy mood swings. She expects tasty food but she cant even tolerate the smell of boiled rice. She expects the world to understand her situation but the news is yet to be broken. As its just the first trimester, mostly it is confidential for obvious reasons. Those who knew the news asks her to be careful and throws n number of precautions. Do not climb stairs, Do not board bus, Do not bike, Do not walk fast etc etc. Annoyances append. Again, all these amidst her usual home making and professional work

Slowly she crosses the first trimester and enters the so called honeymoon like second trimester. The news is out and so she can be relaxed but she has to go through a strict regime for the sake of the little one. She must sleep only on the side ways mostly and not straight. She must not eat certain foods, She must maintain extreme positivism, She must alter her clothes to fit her current size, She must do some exercises for natural delivery etc etc. Again, all these amidst her usual home making and professional work

Then she sneaks into the third trimester. Most of the above issues are gone but new issues pop up. Weight gain, Possibilities of Gestational diabetes, Rashes, Water accumulation in legs, back ache, maternity leave planing and its official after effects, anxiety at its peak etc etc. Again, all these amidst her usual home making and professional work.

Finally one fine day she experiences the massive pain of human kind i.e. “Labor Pain”. The little one is born. She sees the new born. All her 9 month sufferings just vanish in a second and she never complains about anything.

I take immense pleasure in introducing the She of my blog. She is none other than THE WOMAN.

Dedicated to all the She s.

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