Friendship Bags Gold

While many among us was busy greeting each other and celebrating Friendship Day this year, two friends have celebrated the same, with style, sending the warmest greeting message in Tokyo

Rediscovering Reading

While pondering over the evolution of reading habits among millennials, it is interesting to consider the timeline of the most popular social networking sites from time to time.

Indian Higher Education amid Pandemic

Of all the sectors that are witnessing unprecedented changes due to the pandemic, the education sector has literally come to a standstill due to the covid pandemic. None of us have ever faced such a setback in the process of teaching-learning. The future of millions of school going kids is at stack and we are... Continue Reading →

Manto (2018, Hindi)

If you find my stories dirty , the society you’re living in is dirty. With My stories, I only expose the truth                                                             -Saadat Hasan Manto   Manto is revered as one of the key literary giants of the Urdu literature. Looking back his story is akin to revisiting the partition of India. He was... Continue Reading →

On Blogging and Blogs

  I feel happy to be back. This website has always been a part of a personality enriching me every time.  If not for this site, I wouldn't have searched, explored and discovered many things. Before writing anything, again, on a concerned topic or ponder over a thought, I'd like to write what this process... Continue Reading →

Clearing The Past

  When raised a question on the most difficult task in one’s personal life, we might get a variety of answers. Nonetheless, all might probably think again, if we post the question like, “Do you think you can totally get rid of your past from your mind?” Over years, life turns out to be a... Continue Reading →

What Slows India? – Part I

  India is one of the two largest pool of human resources, the other being China. These two Asian giants are on the top among the fastest growing economies in the world. India is said to be on the waxing state in economic growth. Yet, all in India aren’t enjoying this prosperity. There is certainly... Continue Reading →

Cultivating Hunger

Years back when I first came across a book titled ‘Cultivating Hunger’, in a used books exhibition sales, I got carried away by the title and I grabbed it instantly. This doesn’t happen usually with my buying choices. Yet, the phrase was much like a unique oxymoron, I’ve rarely came across. Later I learned that... Continue Reading →

Showing than Being

  I became curious after reading a small snippet in the business page of a daily, recently. The news item was about the most preferred colour by the customers while purchasing cars. Among the total cars running on the Indian roads, 32% are white in colour, says the report. I began to ask myself, and... Continue Reading →

Two worlds at the Cross Road

    Men are from Mars and Women are Venus, beyond doubt, has become an overused phrase. Whenever the topic on human behavioral differences arises, it shapes up only as a debate on gender differences. But the world of a child and that of an adult have stark contrasts and is equally important to understand... Continue Reading →

The Other Side of Nostalgia

  It’s very common to perceive nostalgic people as a bunch of out dated people. In this face-what-comes- and-keep-moving era of modern living, it’s not a surprise that nostalgic people are viewed as people living in the past. The preachers of the present often keep quoting ‘Don’t live in your past! It’s a hindrance to... Continue Reading →

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