BJP – Another Congress in EELAM issue


Watching the Domestic politics of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu made me think that both are going undoubtedly in two different directions.

While Tamil Nadu Assembly lead by concept of Pro-Eelam – the dream of rebels of north of Sri lanka, the Northen Provincial Council is advocating a United Sri Lanka.

The Article is not intending to get into the stands of the state and the council of two different nations. But there is a plan being hatched by few Pro-eelam Tamil thinkers in India. The Plan seems to be by and large a back to square 1 plan.

The Plan has a clear objective – bringing down Indian National Congress. But the plan fails to find a correct alternative. Otherwise, few who are thinking of bringing down Indian National Congress did not understand the Indian policy.

Post Rajiv Gandhi Assassination, it was easy for any government in New Delhi to keep the ‘Tamil Cause’ low profile. The Tamil Card came into center stage when the ‘Mullivaikal’ incident took place in the island nation’s bloodiest three decade long civil war.

But the Tamil Card did not change mindset of major political parties of Indian Union. While Pro-LTTE camp bats against Indian National Congress, not everyone in the camp is ready to support BJP.

It was a bad incident putting Muslims away from Tamil rebels. There can be justification on both the sides. Post Weapon war, now the communities are getting closer. But putting BJP as custodian of Tamil dreams in New Delhi will put their relation in soar again. The Muslim community of Tamil Nadu is with every Tamil for normal life of Tamils in the Island.

While Congress did never say Eelam is not need of the hour in public meetings held in Tamil Nadu. It was Sushma Swaraj who had courage to shatter the dream of Pro-Eelamites by calling it is call by Tamils in Tamil Nadu and not a demand of Northern Sri Lankan Tamils. She did not get back her thought until this second. The Cat out of the bag is BJP is not supporter of Eelam. If it is correctly understood – BJP, INC and Communist Party of India Marxist (CPM) all are in same stand. The Stand is No Eelam.

Ravi Shankar Prasad of BJP said they don’t have any Magic Wand; Lankan Tamils has to look for solution within the framework of island. The Stand by BJP leaders is strong and clear. They clearly say ‘No Eelam.’

To make things worse, BJP Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Sivraj Singh Chauhan renders red carpet to the president of Sri Lanka. They see Buddha in the face of Rajapakse. BJP leaders are more Pro-Sinhala and very close to Sinhala regime than the Congress party.

While Pro-LTTE community thinks of bringing down INC in New Delhi, few in the camp fail to understand BJP is another congress at least in Eelam issue. BJP can be recommended by Indians for multiple reasons particularly in the backdrop of large scale scams of INC lead present government in the nation, but not for Eelam demand.

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